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Faber Castell perfect pencil model fun

Faber Castell has made various kinds of perfect pencils since 1993, and the first perfect pencil started as a flagship of Graf von Faber Castell.
After the first perfect pencil made a huge success, Faber Castell started to make several new types of perfect pencils in 1997.

This type, model Fun, first appeared in 1997, even though it's not clear when the model was discontinued.
Since I already posted about this model in this post, let's make it quick.

The good point is, it comes with three refill pencils, unlike other models containing two refill pencils.
Moreover, all the pencils have different colors, so there are four colorful pencils in total.

Faber Castell perfect pencil model fun

Model fun gift set. Model number 112063.

Faber Castell perfect pencil model fun

The backside explains what the perfect pencil is.

Faber Castell perfect pencil III

What I want to show you with the emphasis on is this model.
It is called perfect pencil III, which stands for the third generation of perfect pencil.

Natural question arises: Is there perfect pencil II?
The answer is yes of course, and the perfect pencil II can be seen in this post. (It is not the perfect pencil black version, it is the other one.)

Faber Castell perfect pencil III

Compared to the second generation, the cap has changed into a much more eccengric shape.
It looks like a kind of an Egyptian hat.
As the cap becomes wider, the clip broadens more out too.

Faber Castell perfect pencil III

Top side with Faber Castell logo.

Faber Castell perfect pencil III

It says the top part can be open.
I'll show you how this function works soon.

Faber Castell perfect pencil III

In prior of that, let's take a short detour to the pencil!
Not more than the perfect pencil cap, but the pencil is also an important point.

Perfect pencil II and III seems to have the same kind of pencil.
It is the all black pencil including the eraser and the joint.

Faber Castell perfect pencil III

Now, here's the inside of the cap as promised.
The kernel of perfect pencil is the all-in-one of the sharpner, and the protective cap, and the extender.

In that sense, now you can imagine why this third generation has this strangely bulky cap.

Faber Castell perfect pencil III

The vacant inside acts as a trash bin for the sharpner.
One doesn't need to throw out the scraps everytime, but can store them inside the cap.

I consider this is the most outstanding feature of the perfect pencil III model, although it might less appealing in terms of the asthetic sense.

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