파버카스텔 화려한 빈티지 연필들
I'm somtimes mesmerized and overwhelmed by the diversity of pencils.
The earliest pencils were made even before the foundation of Faber Castell.
I have no idea whether these earliest pencils had designs, but A.W. FABER's 19th catalog guarantees there were already various designful pencils at that moment.
Thenceforth, the design of pencils has evolved for more than 150 years.
Isn't it surprising there still remain pencils with new designs?
The world of pencil never runs out of the inspiration.
Some pencils might duplicate others and some pencils might look almost the same though.
I'm posting Faber Castell pencils, but you may easily find replicas with very similar lookings elsewhere.
Each models don't have model names, so I don't have proper words to refer to them.
Here comes the first player.
When I first saw this, I confused this with the Coramor pencils.
Circular pencil with mint color body and star and circle patterns.
Faber-Castell, No.2.
It is also written "live."
The next model looks much better.
Based on the black circular body, some bubble patterns are glowing in holographic color.
It's more like a modern art, so I'm quite amusing it.
All the pencils here have the same logo.
This Faber-Castell logo was used until 1995, so these pencils were made earlier than that.
2 = B indicates its grade.
Since I'm satisfied with this pattern, it deserves one more photo!
The next one suits my taste too.
It has a metallic gradation color.
This kind of pattern must be surely common, but I still like this style.
Another similar pencil was Faber Castell's Waves pencils.
2=B, Faber-Castell.
The logo is written in silver color.
How many colors can you find here?
Some major colors I see are violet, blue, and some silvery color.
The last pencil is more silvery one.
When it comes to the color, it's funny that this one and the silvering pencil, Royal Metal silver, are nearly undistinguishable.
Is silver plating pointless?
As the name says.