A.W. FABER 1800년대 미니샤프
In 1800s, nearly 150 years ago already, what kinds of pens were popular?
One of the answer is in front of your eyes.
In the 19th century, these "portable" pens might have been popular.
I once posted similar portable dip pens of A.W. FABER made in the 19th century.
This mechanical pencil works in the very similar way.
The front and back parts are both storable inside the barrel.
Besides, this mechanical pencil is super tiny.
One should be careful not to lost it, but it thankfully has a ring to hang it somewhere.
The whole body is gold colored.
Brass has a similar color, so I don't think this one contains gold.
Nevertheless, some versions might have been made of small portion of gold.
Being a petit mechanical pencil, it's not easy to comprehend what is written on the lead sleeve.
With the aid of zooming, it becomes an easy problem to figure out what it says - the answer is "A.W. FABER."
By the way, the lead sleeve has some designs.
It's not a simple syringe like one but a more exquisite one.
Since I don't have a suitable lead, I couldn't show you how this works.
The tail has vertical stripe patterns with a blunt end.
As I said, it has a ring at the end.
No letters or patterns on the barrel.
When parts are put inside.
It was small already, but it became much smaller at this stage.