Jetstream Usagi Sensei

토끼 볼펜 - 제트스트림 우사기 센세 & 사라사 멀티 리라쿠마

Jetstream Usagi Sensei

Have you heard of うさぎ先生 (Usagi Sensei)?
I wasn't aware of its existance until the last month, but I happen to find its doll in a local claw machine game store.
As soon as I failed to grab the doll, I decided to buy the doll on the Internet.
As you know, claw machines are a bad gambler that extorts our money, so it'd be much wiser to buy the doll if you really want to get it.
Well, someone should have told me this earlier.

Cut to the chase, it was a destined encounter between me and this Usagi Sensei multipen, as I surfed on the website.
I inevitably had no choice but to purchase both the pen and the doll in the end!

Jetstream Usagi Sensei

Let me introduce Usagi Sensei.
Usagi Sensei is a Japanese character whose name means "rabbit doctor."
The pinhole eyes and omega-shaped mouth with pink color skin, wearing some mascots of doctors.
Still, it's a mystery whether it is a male or a female.
I'm thinking Usagi Sensei is a male, do you agree with me?

Jetstream Usagi Sensei

Talking about the pen, it is a familiar Mitsubishi's Jetstream multipen.
The barrel has a pink color, which is the color of Usagi Sensei.
Usagi Sensei's face is also printed!

Jetstream Usagi Sensei

Usagi Sensei on the backside too.
The doctor says "it is a minor burn."

Jetstream Usagi Sensei

What do you think of this gesture?
It seems like Usagi Sensei is making 'V' shape with fingers.
Isn't it cute?

Jetstream Usagi Sensei

Usagi Sensei is watching you!
How dare you can say I am not cute!

Sarasa multi Rilakkuma

Here is a bonus.
Sarasa multipen of Zebra in Rilakkuma edition!
Rilakkuma is a famous one at least in Korea, and I once posted two Rilakkuma mechanical pencils.
I don't know much about it, but I got this since I thought the rabbit was cute.

Let me tell you a trivia - the rabbit like this belong to lop bunnies, which are featured by their drooped ears.
If you compare this with the Usagi Sensei, it wouldn't be difficult to find out the ears are different.

Sarasa multi Rilakkuma

Some cute animals.
I thought there is only a bear in the Rilakkuma, but there seem to be a huge family in the brand.

Sarasa multi Rilakkuma

Always with Rilakkuma.
The pen has its name nowhere, so I wouldn't know its name unless I had the full package.

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