파버카스텔 학교 만년필들
In some other countries, fountain pens are still widely used in schools.
In Korea, students using fountain pens are rather rare since the ballpoint pens are distributed so well.
Ballpoint pens are much easier to use and they don't demand frequent filling.
Hence, it's hard to find fountain pen users in Korean school.
In that sense, fountain pens might be thought of as a carry-over from the past, even though they have their own unique sensitivity.
I believe it's a good experience to use fountain pens at the early age.
Modern children what's more don't have much opportunity to write since they are always using smartphones.
We type things everyday, but barely write things.
Bring some sentimental moment to the kids with school fountain pens!
After the long-winded introduction, let's observe the fountain pen.
Sadly, I don't know its model name.
Albeit it has a modern Faber Castell logo, which is believed to be used since 1995, we can't see this model these days.
I suspect this model is discontinued so unavailable for now.
Yellow plastic cap, plastic barrel, and plain metal clip.
Very simple design and no special ingredients - just as expected for most school fountain pens.
The nib also has no letters.
This kind of nib is new to me.
We've seen modern school fountain pens, Scribolino and School+, and some vintage school fountain pen like 53 fountain pen, but this nib is still new.
The soft rubber grip has a checquered pattern.
This style of grip is also novel and unique to this fountain pen.
In addition to that it has a window to check the ink remain.
Modern Faber Castell's logo in silver color.
Another model is Fresh model which is still available nowadays.
It comes in various colors - red, blue, green, and black.
The backend has a somewhat distinctive style.
Faber Castell's modern logo is written on the plastic barrel.
It also has a circular window in the middle to check the ink level.
This part looks like an eye, so it seems a little bit foreign to me.
Stainless steel nib with an iridium tip.
Soft and bumpy rubber grip enables a non-slipping and tireless writing.