파커 죠터 모노크롬 골드 볼펜
How many jotter pens exist in the world?
Following its popularity, there have been so various kinds of jotter pens.
This jotter model is a bit more expensive than other plastic models.
It is made of metal body, and the series name is XL monochrome.
The feature of XL lines are this stainless metal body and extended body length.
The pen is full gold color and even the clip has more detailed arrow shape than other jotter pens.
In many aspects, this model is in the similar position with IM gold ballpoint pen.
Its appearance and price are very analogous to it.
The thickness is surely different, and this one has matt gold color though!
Parker's modern arrow trade mark.
Parker has used this trade mark since around 2006, but the year might be wrong.
Jotter pens were made in the US until the late 1990s.
Later than they were made in the UK, and they have been made in France since 2009.
France made jotter pens don't have Parker's trade mark at the knock part.
It must be one of the most shining jotter ballpoint pens in the history :)
I always love gold colors.