A.W. FABER 2399, 2685, 2686


A.W. FABER 2399, 2685, 2686 색연필

A.W. FABER 2399, 2685, 2686

I barely collect color pencils.
Faber Castell has made one of the most famous color pencil in the world, the Polychromos, in 1908, but the company made diverse color pencils even before than that.
As we all know, Faber Castell affected many historic painters.

Still, I don't collect color pencils purely because I don't have any interest in them.
Even with this tendency, I sometimes meet color pencils that look really old.
One such case was 2528 models which were expected to be made in 1800s. (I also have 2526 models too but these are pencils, not color pencils.)

What you see above are very lengthy pencils with navy colors.

A.W. FABER 2399, 2685, 2686

I even don't know whether they are really color pencils, in fact, since I haven't tested them.
But I guess they really are.
They have hexagonal bodies of a regular thickness.

A.W. FABER 2399, 2685, 2686

Model numbers are 2399, not much different from 2528.
They have '※' symbol as Polygrade pencils, and the same notation "A.W. FABER MANUFACTURER."
It's pretty obvious both were made at the similar era.

A.W. FABER 2399, 2685, 2686

These are 2685 and 2686 models.
They are shorter but thicker than 2399 models.
These models later obtained the name "mercantile pencil" or "magazinstift."

What are the mercantile pencils?
I have no idea what these are indeed.
What I can only tell is these pencils were made even before they are endowed with this name.

A.W. FABER 2399, 2685, 2686

Blue and red colors.
I know there existed green color version with the model number 2687.

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