파버카스텔 에코 그립 & 그립 2001 골드 연필

Faber Castell eco grip

Here are some variations of Grip 2001 pencil.
These are Eco Grip pencils, except for one Grip 2001 pencil.

Faber Castell eco grip

This is the exceptional one.
Until I see this one, I've never found Grip 2001 pencil with gold color.
Usually, Grip 2001 pencils have gray colors.
There exist gold color pencil in sparkle models, but it is not Grip 2001 pencil. 
If you think you have seen this before, it would be a color grip in gold color in high chance.
Why was this one made with gold color?

Faber Castell eco grip

The body color is definitely gold.
You can see black rubber dots, which tells it is not Grip Sparkle.

Faber Castell eco grip

It is a graphite pencil, not a color pencil.

Faber Castell eco grip

Next one is an Eco Grip 2001 pencil.
Everything looks the same as the original version.

Faber Castell eco grip

The different point is this message, "reforested wood."
I believe it means Faber Castell planted new trees after the company cut trees to make this pencil.

Faber Castell has many virtues as a pencil maker.
One of the most attractive point is its environmentally friendly behavior.
The company is famous for reforestation as it spends much wood in producing pecils and pens.
The company never settles for today, but cares much about the future.
Needless to say, this must be one of the reason I love Faber Castell.

Faber Castell eco grip

Eco Grip 2001 pencils in natural version without painting.
This version is also awesome.
It reminds me of Castell 9000 natural pencils.
Did Faber Castell make Castell 9000 natural wood versions for the same purpose?

Faber Castell eco grip

These were also produced by reforested wood.

Faber Castell eco grip

One of them has a letter : "Faber Castell corporate gifts."
Why this one has such words?
Gift to whom? To consumers?

Whomever was intended, the pencil is now a true gift for me ;)

Faber Castell eco grip

I can see the grain of wood very clearly.
Every wood has unique patterns - it makes wood pens really intriguing.

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