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Faber Castell metallic pencils

Today, I'm going to introduce a lot of pencils, so hold it tight not to miss anything!
Not easy to define the pencils clearly as always, but I somehow came up with one commonality - monochromatic color.
Being fond of shiny things, watch how lovely their group photo is!

Faber Castell metallic pencils

The name of these pencils is FSC Ecolápis Max.
This name deserved to be called as omnishambles at first.
The problem was, the meaning of FSC was in mystery.
I tried to guess what it means, but there was no clue at all - it is not even the abbreviation of Faber Castell.

What's worse was the symbol in front of the word FSC.
I thought it was a bell-shape came out of nowhere.

Now I solved the puzzle, and do you know the answer?
FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) is an international organization founded in 1994 to promote responsible management of the forests in the world.
The group grants FSC certification to forest products that support the responsible forestry.
Obviously, what I misunderstood as a bell turns out to be a tree-logo of SFC!

Faber Castell metallic pencils

To get back to the pencils, they are all no.2 grade, and have modern Faber Castell logo.
However, it seems that the way the name is printed differs for current models, so I believe these belong to the older discontinued models.

The pencils are in shinning pastel colors.
Or I'd call them gold, silver, metallic blue, and metallic lavender colors.
By the way, the meaning of ecolápis is eco-pencil.
Current models come with the simple name "Eco."

Faber Castell metallic pencils

These are Graphium pencils.
If you simply search about "graphium," you will find out it means a kind of a butterfly, or even a fungus.
I wanted the answer that graphium has connection to the word graphite.
Again, my surmise was wrong.
So I now suppose the name represent the color of the butterfly.
It should be, otherwise it describes a fungus!

Faber Castell metallic pencils

Metallic colors of red, blue, and gold.
Very vivid color, and hence lovely.

Faber Castell metallic pencils

The colors get along well with the black frontal part.
The dark wood makes the colors of the body much stronger.

Faber Castell solid color pencils

The last ones have diverse colors, but don't have the name.
They only have logo of Faber Castell and trees mark.
One feature is, they all have erasers corresponding to the body color.

Faber Castell solid color pencils

Vivid and vibrant colors - violet color, purple color, sky blue color, brown color, and orange color.

Faber Castell solid color pencils

One lovable point is the front part is also dyed to the same color!

Faber Castell solid color pencils

Only one of them has the name, black wood.
It doesn't mean other models are also "black wood" pencils since they aren't exactly same.
The remain are just nameless.

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