마이크로 시스턴, 제미니, 클레어 샤프 / 미코 제뉴인 샤프

Miko Genuine

Miko is a subsidiary of Micro, that focused on making fancy goods.
In other words, Miko and Micro are the same company so I introduce both brands pens at once.

This is Miko's Genuine mechanical pencil.
It is placed inside the lavender colored box with its name on it in gold color.

Miko Genuine

Its price was ₩5000.
Considering its old age, it wasn't a cheap model at that moment.
One can expect this pen would have the quality comparable to Micro's Jedo 5000, which had the same price.

Miko Genuine

The inside of the case.
The same letters are here again.

Miko Genuine

Well, the appearance looks nice.
Streamlined slim body with lavender color as a main choice.

Miko Genuine

In the middle of the pen, a thick ring of pink color exists, tattooed its name on it.
The full letters are "genuine mechanical pencil 0.5".

Miko Genuine

Genuine and Miko's names on the gold clip.
The back-end of the pen is rounded gold colored metal.

Miko Genuine

Uncommon design frontal part.
The curve continued from the barrel keeps unbent to the cone, and ends naturally.
Most mechanical pencils have pointed cones, but this model has a round cone.

Miko Genuine

The eraser is located inside the backside with a cleaner pin.

Micro Cistern

The next mechanical pencil is a cheap model of Micro.
Its name is Cistern, and it has blue-green colors in general.

Micro Cistern

Micro mechanical pencil 0.5, and KS mark.
The front part is made of plastic in blue color.

Micro Cistern

"Cistern, school for good community."
What did you mean by this sentence Micro?
There is also a unknown drawing.
Can you find its connection to its name, Cistern?
Well, at least the color can be connected to the water tank somehow.
Taking its name into account, the symbol could look like a water droplet falling from a pipe in a very biased view.

Micro Cistern

This part is a transparent plastic in green color.
The clip and other metal parts are sliver colored.

Micro Gemini

This is Micro's Gemini mechanical pencil.
This one has nothing to do with that pen though.
I have no idea why Micro named this model Gemini.

Micro Gemini

Micro's name on the short clip.

Micro Gemini

It emphasizes the word "pearl," and the body shines like a pearl.
I have blue and pink colors, but there exist more colors.

Micro Claire

The last model is Micro's Claire mechanical pencils.
They come in gold and silver colors, and have a very slim and short shape.

Micro Claire

Micro ♀️ Claire.

Micro Claire

How the backends look like.

Micro Claire

The frontal parts.

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